Stealing Her Heart Read online

Page 4

  “You get sick don’t come bothering me.”

  The old man guffawed. “You have enough problems, son.”

  Duke supposed he did. He tangled a web he hoped to get out of. Tomorrow he’d sit her down and tell her the truth. Everything except how much money he had. That was truly no one’s business.

  Chapter 7

  Martha was still furious, even after spending the night trying to reason with herself. When she thought back to the exact conversation, she had realized Duke never actually told her who was coming. He had said his family. She was the one who mentioned a wife and children, even though he didn’t deny it.

  Was she upset because now she had nothing in the way of a barrier to keep him at a distance? He had looked at her several times as if he wanted to kiss her. He had made her feel like she was a beautiful woman and it gave her a feeling like she had never felt before.

  The problem with all those feelings was it wasn’t real. Knowing he had a wife and children on their way made it easy for Martha to pretend he was untouchable. It made her feel safe the first day she went into his home alone with him.

  Now, she’d enter his home knowing he could possibly kiss her at any time. She wasn’t ready for a relationship, yet she kept getting drawn to Mr. Callahan.

  Martha didn’t think she’d ever want another man again, not after her husband and all he’d done to her. All those lonely nights he never came home to find he was with another woman! The drunkenness that occurred when he did come home and the fear it instilled inside of her. Her protectiveness with her child and all the years she had to hide him to keep the boy safe from a drunkard who didn’t even remember when he struck his own son or wife. All these emotions came tumbling from her mind all night long.

  She dropped Carson off at school and began the long walk towards the mansion. When she turned on Tall Pine Lane, she wondered if Duke would still want her to work for him. Maybe he’d fire her. Then what? She’d never be able to save enough money for Carson to go to medical school. She’d have to convince him she had been too emotional and explain why. At least she wanted to be honest. If he chose not to, he had to live with it, not her.

  She lifted her chin in the air, determined to stay working. Her son meant the world to her. She had to let Duke know that it didn’t matter that he didn’t tell her everything. What employer did? After all, it was his business. Her son’s future was at stake.

  When she closed the gate, she saw him sitting on the porch at the table where they’d eaten supper last night. “Good morning, sir,” she directed at him.

  “Good morning, Miss Winslow. Can we talk?” he asked, standing when she got to the porch.

  She didn’t especially want to upset the apple cart as her mother would say, so she sat in the chair he offered.

  “I want to apologize to you for simply not telling you the truth.”

  “I’ve come to the conclusion that as my employer you don’t have to tell me anything about your personal life, sir. I’m here to work and earn extra money for my son’s education. What you do or say is none of my business. Besides, if truth be told, you never said you had a wife or children. I assumed it to be so, even when it wasn’t. So, you see, you didn’t have anything to apologize for. My reaction was totally uncalled for.” There, that should do it, she thought, satisfied all the right words came out.

  He leaned in, causing her to look at him. When she did so, she saw the sadness in his eyes. It was quite disturbing. He looked very sorry. “I want to apologize to you as a friend, not an employer.”

  She was mesmerized by the look in his eyes. Did he value friendship the same as she did? If so, it was indeed a nice feeling. “Thank you. I’m not sure what to say, sir.”

  “It’s Duke. Say it. As your friend, I give you permission to use my name.”

  “Duke.” She knew it was silly to repeat what he said at will, but she was transfixed in his gaze. There was no way she was able to turn away. Those blue eyes of his were like magic and she wanted to be swallowed up in them. Oh, dear, this was madness. She just wanted a way to earn extra money.

  “I would like us to be friends and I sincerely mean it, Martha. Do you mind if I call you Martha?”

  “Not at all. I would like to be friends, also.” The way he said her name gave her a reason to sigh deeply. He was so handsome and so kind to her, she was melting right here in his presence. He made it quite clear that his desire was to be friends. That’s all.

  Martha had convinced herself she never wanted another relationship again. She had believed it to be true. Yet, when she was in his presence, those words in her head seemed to disappear and all she wanted was to feel his mouth on hers. Oh dear, was she a trollop?

  “I’m glad. I think we have a good start to a wonderful friendship, Martha. Shall we get started for the day? I thought I’d take some boxes out to the burn pile for you since I don’t have any pressing business today.”

  Martha got up, hoping there was nothing in the kitchen that would point to her relationship with the former owner. Thomas Rider had been a slob. Most of the photos were most likely in the bedrooms or parlor. Maybe stacked in a box somewhere. But she doubted they’d find anything in the kitchen. Even so, she had to make sure. “If you’d like, I can cook some eggs for breakfast. I actually brought a few along from the doctor’s back yard.”

  “The doctor’s yard? How does he have time for chickens?”

  She laughed. “He doesn’t, but some of the patients don’t have enough money to pay him so they give him a chicken as payment. He accepts it heartily. If you’d like some chickens for yourself, I’m sure he’d sell you a few at a great price.”

  Duke also laughed. “I don’t know one thing about those birds. I’ve probably lived in the city for too long.”

  Martha laughed out loud. It was nice getting to know him. “I’m sure New York City has chickens somewhere.”

  Duke held the screen door open for her. “In the shops, already beheaded and feathered. I’ll be in shortly, I’ve hired a young man to help weed the front yard. I see him coming down the street.”

  While Duke was outside with Tommy, one of the Martin boys, Martha quickly looked through some of the items laying about in the kitchen. There was no sign of any photographs that she noticed. A surge of relief went through her whole body. Maybe she’d have time to dig through some of the other boxes as well.

  She cooked eggs for Duke and Tommy since she had already eaten this morning with her son, and poured them each a glass of milk. After setting the table on the front porch, she excused herself and went back inside, determined to get started. Before long, she had a huge pile of items that were going to the burn pile. Martha set everything by the back door to wait for Duke to help her lug it outside.

  Between the three of them, they took three large piles of rubbish and old clothes out back. Duke found a tin containing matches on a shelf in the pantry and started a small fire. They all stood watching as the flames shot in the air about six feet high. Martha had brought out a bucket of water in case of flying sparks. “I don’t want the grass to catch on fire. We’ll ignite the whole neighborhood,” she announced.

  “You’ve done a great job with the kitchen so far,” Duke said out of the blue. They stood side by side, the sparks staying contained. The ones in the fire and the ones between the two. Martha had to smile at the thought.

  “Thank you. I will have the kitchen spotless by the end of the week and then on to the parlor.”

  “The parlor may take longer. There’s so much stuff in there. Are you certain no one in town would want any of the things there?”

  “No. Thomas Rider was sent to an asylum. I’m not sure if you heard the whole story, but no one in this town will take a thing from the mansion. They probably already think you are crazy to have bought it.”

  Duke chuckled. “I guess the place is supposed to come with a stigma. I can honestly say it isn’t haunted if that is what people are worried about. My mother will love this old place.”
br />   “What about your sister? How old is she?”

  Duke was quiet for a moment. “My sister is Tommy’s age. She can’t walk.”

  Martha stared into the flames for a moment. She stood alongside Duke, not knowing what to say. Why would someone buy this old mansion that needed so much work to bring a crippled woman here? Why uproot her like this?

  “I’m sorry.” She didn’t know what else to say.

  “She was in a riding accident a few years ago. The doctors said she’d never walk again. We’ve had her at some of the finest doctors to no avail. They all insist she would do better out in the mountains. We’ve been encouraged to come west to see if the change of atmosphere will help.”

  “Why would that make a difference? I don’t understand.” Martha thought maybe Doctor Frank could take a look at her and give him some advice.

  Duke shrugged. “We’ve done all we can. Our so called step-father was making their lives miserable. When my mother found out he was selling her horses without her consent, she had him set up by a Pinkerton agent and he was sent to jail. My father’s will explicitly mentioned that the owner of the horses were my mother and my sister and even if she re-married, they were not allowed to be claimed as marital property. The nightmare with my step-father caused my sister to become so depressed and ill, they thought several times she would not make it through the night.”

  “Is that when you began to look for a place here?”

  “I saw an advertisement in the newspaper and bought this place, sight unseen. There really was no time to waste. My mother sold her farm to the neighbors and they are in the process of moving here. I am expecting them before the weather turns. I’d like to see them settled in by the first snow.”

  Martha laid a hand on his arm. “I will do my best to make sure this place is perfect for your family.”

  As the fire burned away the remnants of the past owner, Martha began to make plans to decorate the mansion for a family that was starting over. An idea was beginning to come to fruition and she couldn’t wait until her shift at the doctor’s office in the morning to talk it over with Mercy.

  Chapter 8

  Martha waved to Carson and hurried back to the doctor’s office. Her son was getting to the point where any type of hug or kiss from her was embarrassing. After all, he was ten and didn’t want to be kissed by his mother in public. It made her smile to know he was growing up and yet a twinge of regret that he was growing away from her surfaced.

  She told Duke yesterday she’d finish her shift at noon and spend the afternoon washing down the walls in the kitchen. For now she was anxious to speak with Mercy, who was always supportive of her no matter what. Mercy had become a good friend this past year.

  “You look quite happy this morning, Martha,” Mercy quipped as she came through the front door. Going straight to the wash basin, she rolled up her sleeves and began to wash her hands the way Doctor Frank had instructed. He was always worried about contamination. It was something he learned about in medical school in Philadelphia.

  “I am content, Mercy. There is something I want to discuss with you. Do we have time before the first patient?”

  “Yes, our first patient is Mrs. McGregor and you know she is always ten minutes late. Come over here and sit down beside me. I want to know what you are all excited about.”

  Martha sat beside Mercy and explained what happened yesterday at Mr. Callahan’s place. “So the fact is, he isn’t a married man after all.”

  Mercy smiled. “And that makes you happy because there is certainly sparks flying everywhere between the two of you.”

  Martha shook her head. “That’s not what I mean.” Although it was true, she did realize they had feelings for each other, but she just couldn’t afford a relationship with someone else yet. Not now. “Besides, I am recently divorced. It would not be proper to have a relationship with someone so soon.”

  Mercy flipped her hand in the air. “Piddly-do, Martha. Out here in the wilds of Wyoming, people are not as strict. As long as you treat others well and respect each other, all things are considered. Now, what did you really want to speak to me about?”

  “I would like your help, and if you are willing to spread the word, I believe we can give the old mansion a beautiful transition. The town will never remember Thomas Rider ever lived there.”

  “I’m interested in hearing what you have to say.”

  “Mr. Callahan hired me to clean house and help him get rid of Thomas Rider’s belongings. He is expecting his mother and sister in less than two months time. I’m afraid it will take longer than two months unless I have some volunteers who would be willing to help me transform the place into a wonderful oasis for a lovely lady who can no longer walk. The house needs so much. I can’t possibly clean plus make the things that are needed for two ladies.”

  “What? His sister can’t walk? That’s terrible. I’m so sorry. Don’t you worry, I’ll help, along with others as well. I know some of the women with skills we may need. How about we have a meeting tonight after you get home?”

  “I’d like that. Thank you for your help. I knew I could count on you, Mercy.”

  “We all help each other. Now, tell me about the mother and sister.”

  “They owned a horse farm in Kentucky and the sister got hurt in a riding incident. I’m starting to wonder if the evil step-father may have had something to do with that.”

  A sharp gasp came from Mercy when she explained what happened. “It wouldn’t surprise me one bit. A man like that sounds so evil. Thank the good Lord he got caught and is in prison. May he rot in there until his death.”

  “I agree. What Duke’s sister is going through must be horrible. She sits in a wheel chair and her mother is her keeper. But, his mother is not so young any longer. I may stay on as a housekeeper and caregiver if they decide to keep me. The problem is, I’m sure it is costly to bring them out here, especially with her special needs. I doubt they have much money now that the horse farm is sold, especially if that wicked man sold most of their horses. It’s such a tragedy.”

  “That’s very kind of you to want to help them by continuing to work as a housekeeper and caregiver. Perhaps you need to speak to him about it at some point,” Mercy told her, placing a hand on her shoulder. “I wish you well and from the looks of things, it sounds like it may get serious between you and Duke. You did call him Duke instead of Mr. Callahan this last time, you know.”

  Martha’s eyes widened in surprise at first and then they crinkled with delight. “I probably should not call him that in public, but he said we are friends and asked me to call him Duke. I also gave permission for him to call me Martha.”

  “Wow, things are moving along,” Mercy told her with a lopsided grin. “I am happy for you, truly. You deserve to be happy.”

  Martha sighed. “I am happy. We have a roof over our heads thanks to you and the doctor and food in our belly. I’ve got two jobs now and am officially divorced from that man.” She would never speak his name on her tongue again.

  “Which is wonderful, but without love in your life, it can get lonely. That’s all I’m saying. Don’t ignore the feeling if it is right in front of you.”

  Martha stood when the doctor came through the front door. He was already out on his rounds this morning and ready to get started with the office patients.

  “I think I see Mrs. McGregor coming down the sidewalk. I’ll go meet her,” Martha announced, ready to get away from Mercy’s words. She agreed with her, but wasn’t ready to hear it yet. Her heart was not ready to be broken in two and the fact was she had one broken heart from a man she had grown to hate. She wasn’t ready for another one.


  Martha hurried up the path to the front door, thinking there was something different about the house already. Then she realized most of the front yard was free of tall weeds and the grass looked neat and tidy. It was actually much larger than what it had looked like now that all the ugliness was gone.

  “It needs flowe
rs next spring, don’t you think?”

  She was always pleased to hear his voice. She twirled around to find Duke standing in the yard with a pile of weeds in his arms. Tommy was raking the grass in the far corner, which is why she hadn’t noticed him before. “Good afternoon. Yes, I think flowers in the spring would be lovely. You’ve got a much bigger yard than what I assumed.”

  “Tommy has been working hard all morning long.”

  “Great job, Tommy,” she called out. “I’ll be washing down the kitchen walls. In about an hour I’ll take some of the lemons I brought with me and make fresh lemonade. How does that sound?”

  Duke gave her a delicious smile. Wait. She didn’t mean his smile was delicious. Well, maybe she did. Either way, he was smiling and it made her feel even lighter on her feet than ever.

  “I’d love some lemonade,” Tommy called out. He was working hard. She wanted to reward him even if she hadn’t been the one to hire him.

  “Will you allow me to pay you for the lemons?” Duke asked, his face serious.

  “No, sir. You will not. The doctor has an abundance of lemons from one of his patients who brought them in from the train. He left the good doctor a bucket full. These were given to me to make sure you men quench your thirst.”

  “Please thank the doctor.”

  “You can thank him yourself,” Martha called out. “He plans to stop by at the end of the day to check your stitches.”

  She heard him chuckle as she let the screen door slam behind her. This place, it felt almost like home. She loved the small house Mercy had rented to them, but knowing it was someone else’s house was hard to really make it your own. This one, it felt different. She was clearing out the old and making it into a home for someone. Martha almost felt as if she were making it into her own home.

  Except reality set in and she realized that wasn’t going to happen. She would not allow herself to fall for a man again. No, sir. She was the housekeeper and a good one at that. And if she didn’t’ get busy, she’d lose this wonderful well paying job and she’d look out her window someday and see another woman in here doing her job.