Stealing Her Heart
Table of Contents
Stealing Her Heart
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Cyndi’s other books
The Belles of Wyoming series presents
Cyndi Raye
Copyright © 2019 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced in any format, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the copyright owner and publisher of this book. This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and events are the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously.
Book Cover
The Creation of Belle, Wyoming
The story behind the missing bells of Belle, Wyoming.
On a wagon train to Oregon in the 1840’s, Clara Brown's husband died of Cholera, leaving her on her own. The wagon train did not allow single women to travel alone, so she is ordered to leave.
She was rescued by a trapper and they fell deeply in love, creating their own town not far from Ft. Bridger. They named the town Belle for the jingle bells that were tied on her oxen when they first met. Now, years later, each Christmas the tradition continues as the town places the bells on an ox or horse, gifting rides to remember the legacy of the founders. The bells were safely put away and only brought out each year for this purpose.
Except, this year, the bells have gone missing.
Are they ever found?
This was how the town of Belle began. We’ve added more stories and authors for each round and hope you enjoy them all
Belles of Wyoming Series
Christmas 2018 (Theme: Holiday)
Book 1, Christine Sterling, Wynter’s Bride
Book 2, Marianne Spitzer, Holly's Christmas Wish
Book 3, Cyndi Raye, A Tin Star for Christmas
Book 4, P. Creeden, A Pony for Christmas
Book 5, Julia Ridgmont, Natalie's Surprise Engagement
Spring 2018 (Theme: Renewal/Redemption)
Book 6, Christine Sterling, The Homecoming
Book 7, Ginny Sterling, Blessings of Love
Book 8, Cyndi Raye, Mercy’s Gift
Book 9, P. Creeden, Moments of Grace
Book 10, Julia Ridgmont, Emeline's Redemption
Summer 2019 (Theme: Summer Love /Barn raising)
Book 11, Ginny Sterling, Lightning Strikes Twice
Book 12, Julia Ridgmont, In the Nick of Time
Book 13, Jenna Brandt, June’s Remedy
Book 14, Lynn Donovan, The Wrong Bride
Book 15, Marisa Masterson, Grace for a Drifter
Book 16, Rose Castro, Lucy’s Luck
Book 17, P. Creeden, Steel Blue Bride
Book 18, Cyndi Raye, Stealing Her Heart
Book 19, Cheryl Wright, Eleanor’s Dilemma
Book 20, Jo Grafford, Wild Rose Summer
Book 21, Patricia PacJac Carroll, Summer’s Love
Book 22, Lisa M. Prysock, The Prairie Princess
Book 23, Marie Higgins, Whispers of Yesterday
Book 24, Amelia Adams, Butterfly Kisses
Book 25, Margaret Tanner, Flynn's Debt
Book 26, Mimi Milan, September’s Switch
Book 27, Julia Ridgmont, Daring to Love Again
Book 28, Christine Sterling, A Matter of Marriage
Book 29, Marianne Spitzer, Charity’s Promise
Book 30, Christine Sterling, The Barn Raising
Chapter 1
She hurried inside, carrying a pile of dry cloth bandages she took off the wash line. “What is it, Mercy?”
The doctor’s office was closed for lunch, but there was a man on the table with his hand bleeding all over his clothes.
Martha didn’t hesitate when she saw him, but took a few of the cloths and helped Mercy stop the bleeding.
“It looks like you may need a stitch or two,” Mercy told him. “Doctor Frank will be right back. He went to see an elderly patient over his lunch hour. He checks on him and takes him a special cream for his joints.”
Martha shook her head. “I thought he made it clear to old man Parson that he had to walk here for the ointment so he gets some exercise?”
“He did. But, Parson’s feet hurt him today. He sent one of the neighborhood kids to ask someone to stop by. You know Frank will not allow anyone else to check in on the old man. They are like father and son.”
It was true. Martha had been working part-time at the doctor’s office for a few months now, ever since she moved into Mercy’s old house. Mercy and Frank fell in love with each other. They had been neighbors since childhood. Old man Parson became part of that family. Before Mercy and Frank, he’d been an old, lonely and bitter man. Now he was loved by most people. As long as they understood his grumpy demeanor.
“I guess it wouldn’t be too much to ask if the bleeding has stopped?”
Martha looked up at the man sitting patiently while the two of them discussed Parson. When she looked into his bright blue eyes, Martha felt almost shy. He was quite a handsome man, well-groomed and tall and muscular, although she shouldn’t be looking at that.
Mercy wrapped another cloth around the one that was soaking through. “I’m so sorry, sir. We have an elderly patient that we care about. As a newcomer to town, you’ll find out how Belle takes care of their own. How do you feel? Are you dizzy at all?”
He shook his head. “No. Just mad at myself for trying to use a saw when I was in a hurry.”
Martha watched the man. He said he wasn’t hurting, but there were small lines on his forehead that told a different story.
Frank came through the front door just in time. The bell jingled as he closed it. He shrugged off his jacket and replaced it with a white, long sleeved jacket. Throwing a stethoscope around his neck, he ran a hand through his hair and turned to his new patient. “Why, hello. I’m sorry I was not here to greet you. What do we have here?”
The man grunted. “I sliced my hand.”
“Indeed.” Frank walked over to the basin and poured water on his hands. He was very sanitary when it came to his patients. After he dried his hands, he began to unravel the blood soaked towels. “Let me take a look. Your name, sir?”
“It’s Duke. Duke Callahan.”
Martha laid a hand on the patient’s shoulder when he grimaced as Frank worked on his hand. “It will be okay. Doctor Frank is an excellent physician,” she told him softly.
He looked up at her with those disturbing blue eyes and it gave Martha quite a shock. He seemed to look right through to her very soul. She had been done with men since her husband had walked out on her and her ten-year old son Carson awhile back. Now, a flutter of hope stirred inside of her.
She took a step back, fearful of where these thoughts were taking her and especially this man who seemed to stare right through her. There was no way he was interested in someone like her.
“No, no, Martha. Do continue to hold his arm steady. I’ve got his wrist, but the doctor will need to stitch it up.”
Martha had no choice but to get closer. She closed her eyes briefly, just long enough to pull herself together. This was her job. At least for now.
While the doctor stitched the hand, he tried to make small talk with his new patient. “Where are you stayi
ng, Mr. Callahan?”
“You can call me Duke. I bought that old mansion down the street. The one Thomas Rider owned. Got it at a bargain price.”
Doctor Frank shook his head. “You’ve got more than a cut hand to worry about with that property. The place is a shambles. It needs a lot of work and it doesn’t look like you will be getting too much done in the next few weeks.”
Duke seemed upset about the doc’s words. “I can’t be held back. My family is going to be here in two months time. I’ve promised them a new home and I’m going to keep my word.”
His family? That meant he was probably already married. But, when Martha looked at his hand, she didn’t see a ring on his finger. Yet, she knew there were many married men who never wore a ring. She knew her former husband never did.
“Well, son, it doesn’t look good for the next week. You can’t be using a saw or the stitches will come out. Is there inside work you can do?”
Duke nodded. “What I need is a housekeeper. Someone to go through the tons of stuff that is already inside the house. The man who lived there left piles of stuff. Old photographs, pictures of members of his family I’d guess and papers that need taken out and burned.”
“You may have to hire yourself outside workers as well for the time being. There are also plenty of young men and some older fellows that are looking for work. Don’t be afraid to utilize them. If you put up a notice at the mercantile, you may get a ton of help. They may work for some of the stuff left over in the house if you plan on bringing new furniture in.”
Martha didn’t want to interrupt their conversation but an idea crossed her mind. Now, if she could forget he was such a handsome fellow and think of her son she’d be alright. “I can use an extra job.”
Frank and Mercy both looked up from what they were doing? Mercy spoke up. “Oh, Martha! I didn’t know you needed more work. I’m sorry, we just don’t have enough business to give you any more hours.”
She didn’t want to upset them. “Oh, please, Mercy. What you and Doc Frank have done for me is much more than I ever imagined. It’s just Carson would like to be a doctor some day.”
“That’s great news,” the doctor mentioned. His smile ran from ear to ear. “I can put in a good word for him when the time comes. Maybe show him some things when he gets a little older.”
Martha smiled. The doctor meant well. But, money was what she needed in order to give him a better life. If this man was looking for a housekeeper she was great at organizing and cleaning things. “If he is going to go to medical school, then I need to start saving money now. If I work extra jobs, I may be able to send him someday.”
Duke Callahan watched her intently. “I do need a housekeeper. If you’d like the job, you can work the hours around your position here. It will be approximately two months until my family arrives. I’d pay you well. Plus, if you’d like to stay on after they arrive, we can also discuss it down the road.”
Martha gave him a smile. “I think this is the easiest interview for a position I’ve ever received. Thank you, Mr. Callahan.”
He nodded. “It’s Duke.”
Mercy was watching the exchange between the two of them. When Martha looked over, she saw the devilment in her friend and co-worker’s eyes. A silent warning before she turned away had Mercy giggle out loud.
This was going to be an interesting job. Besides there was another reason she wanted the job as housekeeper and it had nothing to do with the handsome Duke or the money.
It had to do with proof of who she was.
No one in this town knew anything about her that she didn’t want them to know.
And as far as she was concerned, she’d never tell a soul. But, she had to get inside that house to get rid of the evidence. This was the perfect chance to finally do so.
Before Duke Callahan or anyone else in town found out.
Chapter 2
Duke struggled to stand. He felt a bit wobbly after getting seven stitches in his hand. The way the doc had his hand wrapped up so well he wouldn’t be able to move it for a week. “Thank you, Doc. I’ll be sure to do as instructed.”
Doctor Frank gave him a pat on the shoulder. “In Belle, I like to check up on my patients. I’ll stop by the mansion tomorrow sometime to see how you are feeling. If you feel faint or start to run a fever, get back here, no matter what time of day.”
“I don’t want to disturb you if you are closed, Doc.”
“No need to worry. I have an open door policy and as long as no one takes advantage, it works out well. Most people will try to wait until office hours to see me. Everyone knows my rule and if it is an emergency, I will expect a knock no matter when.”
“Yes, sir.” For a young doctor, he was quite forceful. Duke paid up and left, letting Miss Winslow know he’d expect her in the morning to get started. She opened and closed her eyes and lowered her head, nodding.
As Duke walked down the street towards the mansion, he wondered about her. She was a beautiful woman, fire red hair and skin that glowed. He wondered if she realized how lovely she was.
“Mr. Callahan! Wait up!”
Miss Winslow was hurrying towards him. In her hand she held a small bottle. “You forgot your tincture.”
He stopped abruptly and swung around. She had almost been on top of him and he reached out his good hand to stop her from running full force into him. She breathed heavily, holding one hand over her heart. “I’m so sorry, but I wanted to get this to you. Doctor Frank forgot to give you some fever-few for your pain.”
He stared at the dark bottle. “What do I do with it? I never heard of fever-few.”
When she smiled at him, her face transformed. Those green eyes locked onto his own blue ones and she was confident when she spoke. It was nice to see her coming out of her shell.
Except he wondered why she was hiding in one in the first place? Had someone tried to hurt her?
“This is derived from leaves. It is dried and made into a tincture. All you need to do is add about two to three drops in water, or any liquid if you want some relief. I’m sure later this evening your hand may start to thump.”
When she handed over the bottle, their fingers touched. She shot back as if her fingers were on fire.
Was she aware of how much he wanted to gaze into her eyes and get to know her? He had to be honest. He wanted to kiss her.
She was that intriguing.
He held back since he was going to hire her to clean his house.
“I have to get back to work, but I’ll see you first thing in the morning. I have a ten year old son who may have to come along some days. Right now he is in school, but there may be a day or two school is not in session. Is that acceptable?”
Duke shrugged. “I don’t see why not. Maybe he’d like to contribute and save up for his college fund. Will you allow me to ask him?”
Martha looked surprised. No one ever thought about her son working to earn his own money. “If you’d like to. I’m sure he’d be excited to help work.”
“Very good then. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He watched as she hurried off down the street. The next few weeks were indeed going to be interesting. At least he had some help for the inside of the house.
A sigh escaped him as he made his way through the old iron gate and down the yard towards the porch. It looked like someone had tried to start a garden at one time, but weeds had overgrown most of the effort. Weeds grew where fresh vegetables probably should be planted.
An old man walked slowly past the house. He slowed his steps when he realized Duke was on the porch. He stared hard.
“Hello, sir,” Duke offered, waving his good hand.
“What did you do?” the old man asked.
“Cut my hand on a saw. It took a few stitches to close it up.”
His ageing body came to a stand still as he held onto a wooden cane to keep him steady. “That was a dumb move. Doc says I need to walk at least to your house and back several times a day. Just so yo
u don’t think I care about what goes on here, I am under doctor’s orders.”
Duke chuckled. The man was outspoken. “I thank you for letting me know. I’m sure I’d notice if someone were snooping around.”
Old man Parson cackled. “You don’t have to worry none about me. I’m the last person who would snoop around. I’ll just come out and ask you if I want to know anything. What do you want that big old house for, a lone man like you?”
“I won’t be alone for long. My mother and sister will be joining me. I promised them a new start.”
“Well, what’s wrong with the life they got?”
He was persistent, but Duke didn’t mind. The old man was harmless. “Considering my step-father was trying to weasel my mother’s horse farm from her, I’d say she is ready to move on and go somewhere quiet. Belle seems to be that place.”
“Horse farm?”
Was that all he heard? Duke nodded. “My father owned a horse farm in Kentucky. Raised some fine horses. When she remarried, the scoundrel sold a bunch of fine horseflesh and almost sold the place out from under the family. Luckily, our neighbors found out and revealed the truth to my mother. She had him thrown in jail.”
“How is she coming out here if she owns a farm?”
“She sold the farm to our neighbors. At least they’ll give it the respect it deserves and a good price to my mother. She’s getting older and wants to take life easy. I promised her by the time she got here, I’d have a place for her to retire.”
Old man Parson began to laugh. He even slapped his knee then winced.
“What’s so funny?”
“You want to bring her there?” He pointed to Duke’s new house.
“I plan to fix it up some.”
“That’s the funniest thing I ever heard. You have a lot of work to do. It will take a bunch of Sundays to get that wreck of a house fixed up.”
He wanted to tell the old man to mind his business, but instead he let out a deep breath. “Yeah, I didn’t know it was this bad. I’ve got a housekeeper starting tomorrow who is going to help me.”